Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What my dad said.

I called to tell him I was moving.
He said
"Congratulations, maybe this
will be the start of a new life"
He might be right.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Not in the manual

I have chosen to be
honest with my kids
about my personal struggles.
It is hard to do and
I hope it is fair.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Fathers' day 2007
My children are to me
like portals created by
black holes in the
space time fabric
of the universe.
Paths to the future.

Friday, June 08, 2007

5 guys shingling a roof.

Seven o'clock bright an early
they wrestled the ladder to get
up to the 2nd story roof.
Four in white tee shirts, with
some kind of work logo, and
jeans. One, no shirt, and dark blue
sweat pants.
All sat, starting at the peak, with
legs pointing down the slope
of the roof and scraping off the old
shingles. Worked their way down
the roof until old shingles avalanche
off and slid down a big plastic
sheet protecting the side of
the house.
One fetched a push broom and
that half of the roof cleaned off
nice and neat down to the wood.
Four sat in a circle, don't know where
the fifth went, and shared a joint in
the warm morning sun at 40 feet.

Friday, June 01, 2007


Will work hives and go
Four Hundred years into past
for a flora boon.


An attractive woman is

walking into the building

carrying a box of donuts.

One says "she is good looking"

Another says "She is very good looking"

I say "You think that box is a full dozen"