Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Roundhouse Kick

I man passed me on a bike
with a stencil of
Chuck Norris
on the back of his tee shirt.
I imagined underneath
was written
"tears can cure cancer.....
unfortunately he never cries."

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Four Dogs

German Shorthaired Pointer
between puppy and adult
springing straight up
from all 4 paws,

Tall, lank and handsome
black, brown with a white
blaze and intelligent eyes.

Chocolate Labrador being
called back in by the
name of Cocoa.

Small furry and brown
with a feathered tail
that curled up over
his back.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Throw down on the bike path.

Chattering Squirrel: "You look absurd with no fur!"
Walking Biped: "Drop the tail, get up on your
hind legs and do some work!"
Summer Solstice

Autumn has its extravagant colors,
Winter its austere beauty,
Spring its explosion of fauna and flora,
However Summer does the
heavy lifting,
providing life with full bellies,
and a chance to read at the beach.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Rick's dream

"You and I were selected for a space mission. After rigorous training and testing we were sent into space aboard the brown couch from my living room. We did experiments and spacewalks, although we were wearing normal clothes and not space suits. Any time we left the couch we needed to bring enough stuff with us that we could throw/jettison to move us around. I think we got pretty close to the sun. It gets a little fuzzy after that."

"sweet jesus, all these years I have been relying on spitting to get back to the couch!"